1,6 million tons of unexploded military munition (UXO) were dumped into the Baltic and Northern Seas after the Second World War. A brooding and meditative cinematic journey observes the effects this has on nature and people around the Baltic.
Born in Ukraine, raised in Germany and the UK and currently residing in Lithuania, Alexander Belinski is a film lover turned filmmaker, who previously completed his solo short film Ypostas (2017) and a feature length landscape documentary The Sun Sets in the East (2018) that was presented in Ji.hlava, Beldcos, and a few more festivals. He is also a BA Journalism graduate from City, University of London.
Agnė Dovydaitytė is a Lithuanian filmmaker with a background in marketing and journalism. In 2017, she completed her BA Journalism degree at City, University of London. After studies together with Alexander Belinski she has returned to Lithuania to create her debut documentary The Sun Sets in the East that was based on her grandfather’s diary. Apart from the upcoming environmental documentary Baltic UXO, she is also currently working on her debut short film.