• Baltic UXO
  • Baltic UXO
  • Baltic UXO
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Baltic UXOBaltic UXO

Movie DescriptionAbout the director

1,6 million tons of unexploded military munition (UXO) were dumped into the Baltic and Northern Seas after the Second World War. A brooding and meditative cinematic journey observes the effects this has on nature and people around the Baltic.


Baltic UXOBaltic UXO

GenreDocumentary, In Production
Countries Lithuania, Germany
DirectorsAlexander Belinski, Agnė Dovydaitytė
ScriptAlexander Belinski, Agnė Dovydaitytė
CinematographerAlexander Belinski
ComposerToms Auniņš
Producers Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė, Karsten Krause, Julia Cöllen, Frank Scheuffele, Antra Gaile, Līga Gaisa
Production Just a moment, Fünferfilm, Air Productions


Dagnė Vildžiūnaitė