In a winter wonderland two friends are having a blast ice-skating on a frozen lake when suddenly a strange and unfamiliar world cracks open underneath them: now they must learn how to deal with the otherness, not letting the fear rule. Could that be the beginning of a beautiful friendship?
Genre | Animation |
Duration | 13' |
Years | 2024 |
Countries | Lithuania |
Director | Ignas Meilūnas |
Script | Titas Laucius |
Cinematographer | Simonas Glinskis |
Production Designers | Dominas Pulokas, Ignas Meilūnas |
Composer | Marius Meilūnas |
Producers | Justė Beniušytė, Ignas Meilūnas |
Production | Kadrų skyrius |
Prodiuserė Justė Beniušytė | | |