• Life and Death of a Christmas Tree

Life and Death of a Christmas TreeKalėdų eglutės gyvenimas ir mirtis

Movie DescriptionTrailer

What’s the secret behind a Christmas tree? The most famous festive plant in the world travels through countries and cultures while the joyful hustle hides a billion-dollar business and the stories of humans behind it. Often Christmas trees – the nice, bushy ones – are labelled as Danish, and no one knows they come from Georgian seeds. This social drama is an observation of Christmas trees growers’ communities in Denmark and Georgia. We experience the joys and sorrows of the locals, and witness differences and similarities between the cultures.


Life and Death of a Christmas TreeKalėdų eglutės gyvenimas ir mirtis

CountriesLithuania, Denmark, Sakartvelo
DirectorsArturas Jevdokimovas
ScriptArturas Jevdokimovas, Ramunė Rakauskaitė
Cinematographers Bernardas Andriušis, Goga Devdariani
ProducersRingailė Leščinskienė, Bernardas Andriušis,Puk Eisenhardt
ProductionAnaben Films, GotFat Productions


Prodiuserė Ringailė Leščinskienė