• The Archives Detective
  • The Archives Detective
  • The Archives Detective
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The Archives DetectiveARCHYVŲ DETEKTYVAS

Movie DescriptionAbout the director

Archives staff at the National Museum of Lithuania find a mysterious, undescribed, uncatalogued box of photographic negatives in the museum archives. When they decide to organize the inventories, they discover something incredible: in a box that has been in the archives for 70 years, they find photographs of a high artistic level and of great historical importance that no one has ever seen before. What's more, no one has ever heard the photographer's name! On their own initiative, the museum staff embark on a detective's quest through the archives, discovering more and more information about the mysterious photographer, his work and even his descendants. The result of their initiative is a high-profile exhibition featuring a newly discovered name in the history of Lithuanian photography


The Archives DetectiveARCHYVŲ DETEKTYVAS

Director Mindaugas Meškauskas
ScriptMindaugas Meškauskas
CinematographerElvina Navardauskaitė
Production DesignerRenata Valčik
ComposerMartynas Bialobžeskis
ProducerRasa Miškinytė
ProductionEra film


Rasa Miškinytė