2D animaIon movie based on a series of popular graphic novels by polish writer Tomasz Samojlik. The story centers on Dobrzyk, the smallest and weakest of all the shrews in the forest who becomes chosen as a savior to fulfill the prophecy of stopping “The Dark Enemy “, an evil enIty which plans to destroy all life in the forest.
Genre | Animation, In Production |
Duration | 75' |
Directors | Marcin Wasilewski |
Script | Tomasz Samojlik, Maciej Kur, Ewelina Gordziejuk |
Procution Designer | Gediminas Skyrius |
Producers | Ewelina Gordziejuk, Agnė Adomėnė |
Production | EGoFilm, Art Shot |
Prodiuserė Agnė Adomėnė | |
agne@artshot.lt |